روان شناسی و مشاوره::
خود زنی
Similarly, self-injuring adolescents report greater familial socioeconomic risk (e.g.
Repetitive self-injurers can also be distinguished from non-repetitive self-injurers by their greater number of reported adverse life events, including both interpersonal and extreme trauma-related experiences (Kinyanda, Hjelmeland, Musisi, Kigozi, & Walugembe, 2005); the majority of self-injurers in this sample, both repeaters and non-repeaters, were between the ages of 15 and 24 years.
Self-injuring adolescents and young adults who report more parent-child relational trauma also initiate NSSI at an earlier age, and report using a broader array of self-injuring methods than self-injurers reporting less negative relational profiles (Martin, Bureau, Yurkowski, Lafontaine, & Cloutier, 2016).
First, we expected self-injurers to report more perceived maltreatment, more adverse family-life events, and greater relational trauma than non-self-injuring individuals.
Third, we hypothesized that, within self-injurers, those perceiving their NSSI as having addictive features would report each risk factor to a greater extent than self-injurers without this perception.
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